Thursday, November 19, 2015

Neela Turns 9

And just like that.....9 years have gone by.  I think I am going to struggle with next year's number the most though; our little girl, so grown up.

Neela celebrated with her first sleepover party. 

Pizza supper:

Our good friend made the cake again...Neela is very musical so the theme was fitting:

Spoiled...and cute

 I challenged the girls to a quick game....who could thread the most fruit loops onto a pipecleaner, using just one hand....

After they put on their PJs, they got silly with some moustaches....and talked the night away.

A belated birthday gift, we finally took Neela to get her ears pierced.  She only started asking about it recently and I wanted to ensure she was set up for the best success (as I had pretty bad experiences with it myself in my youth).  I took her to Tribal Expressions which specializes in piercing.  No gun here...straight up needle through the ear.  She did great.

So pleased