Thursday, January 23, 2014

Skate, Skate, Skate

This winter we have done quite a bit of skating as a family, and this is primarily because Ashton has finally started to get into it.  In previous years he really disliked skating, but this year he has really taken off.

Last weekend we took the kids downtown to Olympic Plaza and they loved it!  Neela was suffering from an ear infection but she was still extremely gunho - such a trooper.  By the end of the day Ashton was actually off skating on his own for the first time!  It was a beautiful day to be outside.

Today Ashton's preschool class hosted a family skating day.  I took Ashton over to the rink in the morning to do some mommy-son skating and to our pleasant surprise Nigel was waiting for us there. So awesome that he would sneak away from work to join us.

Here is Ashton with his skate trainer but he doesn't need it.  He just likes using it so he can zoom at top speed and not fall over.  Funny kid.

And now off on his own. What an improvement from last year's "I hate skating" attitude. Whew.