To top off the busy month Neela's regular school bus driver quit during the holiday break and her bus route STILL does not have a new driver. This means that *every single day* the bus is 20-40 minutes late in the morning and typically 15-30 minutes late returning home. Grrr. This no longer makes busing convenient for me. I am driving her every single morning now and then having to spend the extra time at the end of the day on bus-watch, because I never really know when it will get here.
AND, unfortunately the child care provider I had for Ashton for the last year and a half has had to move on to other opportunities. YUP, this means I no longer have weekly child care assistance so I can work. Managing the usually workload sans extra help is not going to be fun and I sense a burn-out in my near future. Deeeeeep breaths.
But c'est le vie.....
Here are a few phone pics from the past month:
Ashton's preschool class made an 'ice sculpture'...each kid contributed several blocks of colorful ice to add to the display. Kids love ice I tell ya; Ashton wanted to bring the whole thing home so I ended up making more ice so he could make a smaller replica in our yard. The things you do for your kids. ;)
Pointing to one of the large blocks he made.
Ok, this photo is actually from last month's quick trip to Banff during the holidays. So pretty there.
While Nigel was out skiing on the weekend I took the kids for a nicer brunch. They were so well-behaved.
Neela 'oooooing' over her fun brunch
To help occupy Ashton a bit more now that our child care has stopped - I have enrolled him in a local gym class. Here he is on the first day just going wild in the center. Loved it!
Neela making a snow-face!