This summer went by very quickly and it was one of our busiest. Typically we take it easy and do low key summer things but this year the kids each did several camps, swimming lessons for 2 straight weeks, lots of hiking, and our typical BC getaway.
A quick look back over the past 2 months....
Kicked off the summer with another Paint Nite with pals.
At the end of June the weather was already extremely warm so we headed out on my dad's boat for the day
Cute kids. They have been BFFs this summer again. Whew.
Canada Day we went for a walk/short hike around Big Hill Springs with my sister.
Neela's dance photos 2015. Hip Hop. She rocked it!
Ashton has spent many hours building things with lego. One of his creations....
Lots of hot weather meant lots of time outside, including picnics, splash parks, bike rides, hiking....
And of course, lots of hot weather means lots of cool treats.
Ashton completed Pedalheads bike camp and learned to ride a 2 wheeler in a matter of minutes. We know this course works well so we don't even bother trying to teach the kids on our own - we let the experts do it. Ashton's regular bike was a bit too big tho so he had to switch to Neela's bike part-way through and despite the bike being pink he sucked it up and powered through. We later spray painted Neela's bike black and he was much happier.
Neela found a 4 leaf clover....
Neela completed a gymnastics camp this summer and learned all sorts of fun tricks. She has no fear this one. I wasn't able to get many photos of her in the class, but here are a few of her showing off her balance.
Another day, another hike - this time with friends up to Ptarmigan Cirque. Excellent sights!
We decided to skip the chaos of the Stampede this year and instead took the kids to the fireworks one night with grandma.

Ashton being cute. His new fav thing are ball caps.
Nature craft
That one day when the weather was going nuts here in the city....funnel clouds and tornado warnings!
Shooting hoops at the school
Nigel's fancy jeep experienced a little hiccup - but we got it sorted out quick...after having to get it hauled away for awhile.
Of course....several trips to the zoo.
I got myself a new office space! I share this space with a few other professionals and I am looking forward to making better use of it this year when BOTH of my kids are in school full time!
More good news for me professionally - I was selected out of hundreds to have several of my resumes appear in the new Resumes for Dummies book! My copy arrived this summer and I was thrilled.
Went indoor rock climbing with the kids and some friends. Good times.
Day trip out to Forget-Me-Not Pond. Stunning scenery.
It isn't summer without some suppers on the deck
And finally, we rounded out summer with our annual get-a-way to BC with friends. Once again we had AMAZING weather (30 degrees + each day), lots of boating, paddleboarding, and pool time.

Each kid did awesome on the ski trainer - won't be long before they are each up on real water skis.
Nigel water skiing
We rented two paddle boards and everyone got lots of turns.
Splash park by the lake