It started snowing September 8th, peaking on September 10th.
Here in our neck of the city( where we always seem to get the most snow) the snow accumulated quickly on the 8th, reduced slightly on the 9th .... but into the 10th we got walloped with the rest of the city. We lost power at 4:30am and it was out for almost 9 hours. It was a full out blizzard here in the city, and because the snow had arrived unseasonably early, our poor trees, bushes, and flowers took it hard.
Needless to say September 10th was a challenging day. On top of no power, driving in traffic with no lights, and trying to rescue our trees/bushes, I had a telephone presentation to give....and no telephone!
Here are two photos from the day we would all rather forget:
The kids thought the snow was great - they got to dig out their wintergear and spend HOURS outside going nutso. At least someone missed the snow.
A week later - the snow is all gone and the temperature and weather is much more seasonal.
Ashton finally started school:
Neela lost another tooth (so now she has no front teeth):
And it finally feels like Fall: