Sunday, April 6, 2014

March Madness and Mastery

March was a fun and busy month.  In addition to the regular routine I personally made a few changes and conquered a few challenges.

To start I joined a spin class (in early February actually) but I kept the routine going strong for two straight months despite balancing work and life with no childcare support, until I slipped on some ice last week and 'broke my butt' I am currently on a short hiatus.  I also took a five week mediation class to help me manage anxiety and stress (and enjoy some zen time alone).   Smart move.

Work related, after months of 'talks' I finalized my contract with LinkedIn (the #1 professional networking site in the world, with over 200 million users) and I have been officially hired to author articles on job search topics!  My first article was approved in March and should be posted in the upcoming weeks (while I frantically finalize my second).  The organization also granted me access to their Premium Job Seeker Group with over 250,000 members where I will be positioned as a job search expert, answering questions and posting monthly tips. Good stuff.

Finally, I decided to pursue some professional development and after THREE long months of hemming and hawing I finalized a 10 page case study to successfully pass my CES Certification  - Certified Employment Strategist.  Yahoo!  But why stop there...(said my crazy obsessed self) and with a level of self-doubt and fretting I haven't experienced in awhile I also decided to go after my master-level resume certification (MCRS)- Master Certified Resume Strategist.  I can't recall the last time I was so worried about something.

This MCRS was no joke...a true-life portfolio of seven separate documents for examination with full client endorsement, plus volunteer hours.  I sweated over this for awhile and even backed out at one point because I was so overwhelmed.  Yet, someone pushed me on. The only person who has EVER said 'you can' consistently to me over the years...and who honestly believes in me.  When I told Nigel last week that I was lucky to be where I was - he said "Lucky? Try skilled".  I liked it.

So yes, I passed.  I am now just the sixth person in Canada with a master-level resume certification and I will advance my certification assessment role within the association to continue evaluating other applicants in various certifications. Whew.

In summary, March was one very full and fulfilling month.

Learn more on my company blog: