Sunday, March 2, 2014

First Communion

Today was Neela's first communion.  She has been preparing for the past few months and has been very excited.  It almost didn't happen as planned though as Neela woke up ill yesterday morning with a high fever. We did our best to let her rest and recover, still dragging her off to the rehearsal yesterday afternoon in hopes that she would be well enough for the big event.  And she was!  Whew.

Neela was lucky enough to have her beautiful dress made for her by her Grandma Tom, so it was a perfect fit. She looked like a little princess today and of course I cried watching her go for her first communion with such gumption and joy.  I can not believe that she is 7 years old already.  Feels just like yesterday I took her to be baptized.

Photos were not allowed during the mass and the ceremony, but there was a brief photo opportunity at the very end.  It was difficult to get up close.  Lots of kids!