Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

We had a fun-filled and very exciting Christmas morning!  The kids woke at at a decent time, got their clothes on and headed downstairs to see the pile of presents from Santa.  After that it was an endless present-opening extravaganza, and once all the presents from Santa were open they were replenished with another round of Christmas presents from the family for our brunch!

  They are so lucky....and we are all so blessed. 

Merry Christmas!

The tree with the presents from Santa...with the platter of cookies and milk (most of which are missing!)

The kids in front of the tree first thing this morning.

Ashton opening 'the biggest one' which he insisted he have...good thing it was for him!

Neela was overwhelmed with joy today...she loved everything she laid eyes on.

Hanging out together before the family arrived