Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - A Year in Review

Another year, so soon!

Although 2011 went well overall, it was a bit more challenging than the previous year and I am both excited and nervous about the year ahead.

A few highlights of 2011:
  • We took the leap and got our basement developed.  It was a major project that was even more challenging because the kids and I were home - every day - while it went on.  On top of that I struggled to plow through my work with minimal peace and quiet.  Although the three months were tough, the final product was well worth it.  We made the decision to develop the basement so I would have a dedicated work space, and this was a much needed requirement in my life.

  • My work - well, this was one of my personal challenges.  2011 was tough.  I was stretched and tested many times this past year.  Demand on my services continues to be greater than what Career Impressions can supply.  I found myself floundering, flustered and freaking-out too often this past year. Yet, because I love my work and I dedicated to its success...I keep going.  I was awarded Best Executive Resume Contributor in the CPC's Award of Excellence this year, which was a much-needed boost.  I also met almost every single one of my established business goals....and I have more big plans for the year ahead (although I am also going to try and scale things down a bit). 

  • Where I managed to succeed with work goals I failed at my personal goals. A lot of personal sacrifice occurred in 2011 and I need to focus more of 2012 on reaching personal goals and looking after my health, wellness and sanity a bit more. =)  I ended this year with a serious back problem...and it looks like I need to make a lifestyle change in order to be able to keep mobile and functioning (a necessity!).  I also want to work out better...and spend more quality time with my kids!

  • We worked hard on our yard this summer. HARD!  We accomplished another major yard renovation...removed, created, destroyed.....a lot!! The downside: we spent a great deal of the summer tied here to the house.  To make up for this loss of 'fun-time' we are off on a family vacation in February to Hawaii!!  We are all excited and a wee nervous about this big excursion.

  • Neela turned five and started Kindergarten  - real school!  This change had both Neela and I very excited and nervous.  She has grown too quickly.  My heart swells with pride every time I see her heading to class in the morning....but the adjustment was hard for me.  I cried every morning for a week after I dropped her off.  Yes, I got over it....but sometimes I still miss our special time together at home.  She is doing really well though and the teacher only has extremely positive things to say about her.

  • Ashton turned two, and the terrible twos are real.  He is an extremely articulate and bright little boy, but he also has a strong personality that must be battled with each day.  One very positive thing is we get more time alone together now that Neela is in school (just him and I) and this is something I feel I owe to him after spending several years of dedicated time with just Neela.  Ashton and I attend classes and he will be starting pre-preschool in January.
As 2011 started to draw to a close I did spend some time reflecting on what went well and what didn't.  We have tried to make as many positive changes as possible....looking to balance our lives a bit better....getting more help (more childcare assistance and a  housekeeper to start) and trying to keep focused on the things that matter most: family, health and happiness.  Here's hoping 2012 is filled with plenty of all three!