Thursday, May 1, 2014

Soccer Season 2014

Ah, soccer season again.  I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year.  It is great that the kids get to be outside again, have fun, and get some excellent exercise.  When the weather cooperates it can be very pleasant to sit and watch a game. What isn't so great is the sudden shift in our schedule and adding another thing to my already overflowing plate (which I need some time to work out and adjust), and when the weather is poor I dread being outside shivering in misery.

This was the first week of soccer for both of our kids.  Having two on the go involves a lot of logistics, but thankfully the weather was great this week.  Ashton is playing for the first time and watching his first game was, well, a bit painful.  The best way to summarize a large group of inexperienced and short-attention-span 4-5 year olds is chaos.  Ashton himself was great, but some of his team mates were rather ....unique.

Neela's team on the other hand was well organized, proficient, and very skilled.   So two different experiences, although each kid really enjoyed it - so that is what matters most.

Ashton and his team. A rare moment of collective listening.

Ashton took to things well and he did make a great effort to listen

A visit from Tim Horton's - free coffee for parents, timbits and gifts for the kids

Some action shots

Striding off so serious

Neela's turn.  Some great players in her group, including her! 

Taking the goalie responsibility very seriously. She made a few great saves!