Thursday, July 5, 2012

Video Clips

Summer is off to a good start.  Here are a few short video clips of things we have been up to in the past few weeks:

Neela got a new 'big girl' she handed down her older scooter to Ashton (who doesn't mind the color) and together they love to scoot around.  Ashton picked this up without any trouble:

Neela is taking bicycle riding lessons all week (2.5 hours each day -she is a trooper as you should see her poor little bruised legs!).  It has been worth it.  She got her training wheels off within 2 hours and is now perfecting the art of riding on her own and coming to a clean stop:

Finally a few clips of Neela's ballet recital from last month - courtesy of my brother (who snuck in the shots from his phone).  It may be hard to spot Neela, but she is dead center (and in some shots this hides her). The two videos piece together to show the majority of the dance. 

You can not see Neela until 14 secs in...she is the one on the far end of the left group: