Monday, July 9, 2012


We decided to take advantage of the special fireworks display that the city is putting on this centennial Stampede.  There are five simultaneous displays throughout the city for six nights, and one of the sites was fairly close to our house.  Not having to drive all the way downtown to fight the crowds to see this fun display was too hard to pass up and a great chance to take the kids.  It was also an awesome evening to be outside - so warm!

We didn't tell the kids until we woke them from their slumber...and then we quickly squirreled them into the car and off we went. Although we would have been able to see the fireworks at certain points in our own neighborhood, we decided that waking the kids warranted a trip all the way to the site of the display - COP.  A better experience.

Here they are in their PJs in the car...a bit dazed and confused, but also very excited:

We only had to wait about 15 minutes for things to get going and then we jumped out of the car to watch. Neela and Ashton's mouths were agape for the first few minutes. So cute.  We had also picked the a prime spot to the launch site was directly in front of us.  After the initial shock wore off the kids were a bit overwhelmed and Neela didn't like the loudest ones, but overall they were both fascinated.

From our vantage point I was also able to see three other fireworks displays going off around the city. Everything was well timed. Such a neat experience!  In the clip below I do pan around to view the other displays but the fireworks are hard to see in the shot (just flickers in the sky).

And my favourite part was when the fireworks spelt out the number "100"