Wednesday, June 27, 2012

That's A Wrap

Today was Neela's last day of school; officially done with Kindergarten, got 100% on her report card and will be entering Grade 1 in September.  The past 10 months went much too quickly.

Here she is this morning, dressed in the same dress she wore to the very first day of school.  A bit taller, a lot more wiser:

Here she is back in September 2011:

This past year Neela has made great strides in her development - her most notable achievement is her ability to read all on her own now.  I am still suprised when she reads me signs or things on the TV.  Her teacher noted in her report card that both her social and academic progress was very noticeable and that she was a pleasure to have in the class.  She also received perfect scores in every single assessment area! Great job Neela!

Now it is officially summer here in the Tom household.  I am looking forward to a break from the daily grind and the frequent drives to and from school each day...but I am wondering how long until I wish school would start again. ;)