Wednesday, February 8, 2012


After months of anticipation, we have finally arrived in Maui!   The flight here went very well; the kids were both great and the 7 hour flight went smoothly...although Ashton didn't nap a wink until just before we landed and boy was it one hard landing (he slept through the entire thing with me bracing his head as we bounced down the runway).

Within moments of making our way down the highway next to the ocean for the first time we were amazed to see all of the whales out!  Out in the calm ocean we could see dozens of blows and over the past few days we have even witnessed them breaching (jumping out in big splashes).  So far no pictures of this as they are too far away to get a clear shot, but we are heading out on a boat tomorrow to get a closer look!

We spent the past two days exploring, visiting our pool, hitting up the Maui Ocean Center and even spending a few hours on the beach.  We love the vibe in Lahaina (the area we are staying) and our condo is great - new modern amenities that the kids have taken very well to.

A few shots of the past two busy days....(for some reason some of these are loading in a larger size!)

The kitchen area of our condo:

The main pool:

Drivin around in our minivan:

Near the big banyan tree in Lahaina

The wharf in Lahaina

Driving on the main highway

Maui Ocean Center

Ashton and the jellyfish

First beach visit - black sand

Minivan momma