Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blast from the Past - Part 1

I recently located a big stack of old random photos, all taken before our kids were born.  I decided to scan some for safe keeping, and thought it might be fun to post and share some too.  Are you in here??

Softball; 2005

Our housewarming party (Martindale); 2001.  Christina on the Cape-Breton-Kayak

Luigi, Cam, Dan, Matt and Greg at the housewarming; 2001

Dance photos.  No idea of the actual years...I was probably in junior high/ high school.  My sister Jackie and I are both in the first photo.

Man, I wish I was still this flexible.

Our university graduation photos; 2001

Nigel's baby photos
 Again, no idea of the year. I think we were around 18-20 years old.

Surprise engagement party for good friends Adam and Diana; 2001
Love Diana's face!

My first trip to Trinidad; 2000.  Love this pic as it shows how the home is completely open to the elements. Amazing.

More pics coming soon....