Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Prep

It seemed to take a bit longer for us to get into the Christmas spirit this year; just lots on the go, but we finally decided to take the plunge....decorate the house....put up the tree....and get into the festivities!

The kids with the tree shortly after we finished decorating it.  Ashton took a few days to adjust to *not* touching and playing with all of the ornaments. 

The finished product.  A nice little tree; smells wonderful!

Stockings are hung by the 'chimney' with care...

Meet Nick; our Elf on a Shelf.  I finally got this raved about book (and matching elf) and read the story to the kids yesterday.  I wish I could have captured the looks on their faces when they found Nick sitting in our kitchen after the story was done! Their jaws were on the floor!  They are in love with this mystical little elf who visits our house each day (in a different spot) to watch and listen, reporting back to Santa each night.  I highly recommend this if you have kids.