Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Favourites

As expected the Fall has been very busy!  We are now nicely settled into our new routine; Neela loves school and ballet, Ashton enjoys sports class and yard work is a thing of the past! 

A few pictures from the past two months:

Ashton playing peek-a-boo at the park

We took the kids on the c-train...they thought it was the best thing ever!

Ashton's new haircut - Oct 2011

Ashton playing hockey in his sports class

Ashton 'driving' the car while we wait for Neela to finish ballet

Ashton (yes a lot of him this month as him and I have been alone a lot more) watering the plants.  I think this is the longest I have had flowers last in the Fall and I am ready to be done taking care of them.

Ashton waiting for Neela to finish school; tossing leaves

Ashton wanting to wear *all* of his big boy underpants all at once

Out for a walk at the new Glenbow Provincial Park

Neela on the c-train with fav pal Sparkles

Ashton and his best pal (with a nice shiner)

The kids playing together

Neela in her halloween shirt; so photogenic

Ashton in his halloween shirt


Group shot